Justin Bresler, VP Marketing & Business Development at Visit Denver, writes: "Guys, we did a thing here! Introducing Coming Soon: Denver. Over the next several weeks, new 'episodes' will come out about all the many projects around the city, from … [Continue reading]
Guest Post: Who Do You Know? In-Person Relationships Pay Off
Roger Dow, President and CEO of U.S. Travel Association writes, "I just returned from South Dakota Department of Tourism's hybrid Governor’s Tourism Conference, where a profound quote by Adam Sacks caught my attention..." The only … [Continue reading]
World’s Most Powerful Passport Will Be a Vaccination Certificate and How Hotels Can Help
Stephen Perry, CEO of New Orleans & Company, isn't too optimistic about the resumption of British Airways flights resuming in early March, as planned. Furthermore, restrictions on international flights currently mean that only U.S. citizens and … [Continue reading]
Steal This Idea: Name a Robot, Baby Hippo, Golf Course, Swan Boats…(What Have You Got?)
Destination-oriented naming contests seem a good idea for engagement during the mid-winter Coronavirus blues. The Florida Keys can confirm. What would you name a coronavirus-fighting robot that patrols the interior spaces of Key West … [Continue reading]
Bite-Size Trivia, Travel & Tourism, DMO News
Visit Milwaukee is returning $50,000 to local businesses through a series of events called Giving Fest to distribute funds left over from the Democratic National Convention last summer. Milwaukee County hospitality businesses that host a local … [Continue reading]