How classy is that? A company branded Christmas tree bauble.
We note that TwoSix Digital not only looks cheerful — they are also clever. Dave Serino, Brian Matson and the team invite you to click here for a digital marketing-inspired Advent Calendar with daily tips. Check back regularly to open a new door.

Related: Unpack Google Analytics 4 and Brush Up on LinkedIn Features

Discover Lancaster reinvigorates tourism marketing blitz with new CARES Act funds — Philadelphia Business Journal

Ed Harris, president & CEO at Discover Lancaster shares this commentary with readers:
Here in Lancaster County, PA we have had the same challenges that other destinations have faced when it comes to Covid-19.
Travel restrictions and fear of the virus has resulted in lower hotel occupancy numbers and less visitation at attractions and restaurants.

- Our staff at Discover Lancaster has been very fortunate to receive CARES Act funds from our County Commissioners. Over the past six months, we’ve received a total of $1,315,000 to use towards marketing campaigns that highlight our open businesses, hotels, and attractions and also to emphasize safe and responsible travel.
- In the first wave of the campaign, which was deployed in August and September, we developed a series of five different TV commercials highlighting unique things to see and experience in Lancaster County, PA: Amish culture, Shopping, Family Fun, Outdoor Adventure, and Small towns and Lancaster City.

The second wave of the CARES Act funded a marketing campaign featuring things to do during the holiday season with a responsible travel message and began in mid-November and will run through this month,
We also had a partnership with Carvertise to wrap 16 automobiles across key “drive markets” like Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Wilmington, DE which are all within a 90-minute drive to Lancaster County. Masks were added to the front of the cars to emphasize the importance of wearing a mask when traveling to our destination. With travelers opting more for “road trips” instead of air travel we wanted to connect with potential visitors in a unique way, and Carvertise enabled us to do that at a grassroots level.
People from around the world visit Lancaster County and when they’re here, part of their itinerary involves a guided tour of some of our back country roads from inside a horse-pulled Amish buggy to learn about the Amish culture in order to better understand what makes the Amish and this area so unique. For that reason, we featured an Amish buggy ride in our creative on the sides of the “Carvertise” cars.

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