Ali Nichols, Customer Success Manager, shares this guest post from the Bound Blog.
“Can you believe it’s December? I myself am not quite ready for the holidays. But for many DMOs who consider the holidays a fifth season, teams have been thoughtfully planning their content and checking it twice…
So, whether I’m ready for them or not, the holidays are here, and in the spirit of our favorite time of year, we present The Twelve Days of Personalization to demonstrate how magically easy it is to start your own personalization strategy!
On the 1st day of personalization, we brainstormed the “who” of our strategy:
Geo markets is just the tip of the personalization iceberg! Developing your strategy should also include exploring behavioral targeting, such as repeat visitors and visitors who have converted on on-site goals or visited key pages.
On the 2nd day of personalization, we considered the “what” of our content:
After considering the “who”, we turn to developing content to serve our audiences. Our approach focuses on your goals to develop the best supporting content for each type of visitor, answering the question “What should this person see?
On the 3rd day of personalization, we asked ourselves “where”:
Here comes some strategy magic where we tie our “who” and “what” together! Selecting the best location for your personalization means the difference between visitors converting on key content – or moving onto the next site.

On the 4th day of personalization, we created market specific CTAs:
Developing market-specific CTAs for our various markets is a great next step. “Explore” vs “Plan a Trip” can make an impactful difference in engagement and provide insight into the messaging that best speaks to each market.
On the 5th day of personalization, we created a content journey:
Organizing and prioritizing content ensures that visitors experience the right messaging at the right time. We recommend starting with your softest CTA first, such as showing your Visitor Guide, and then working your way up to eNews sign ups, and hotel booking content for visitors who have explored multiple pages or repeat visits.
On the 6th day of personalization, we optimized our content for Mobile visitors:
Personalized content for mobile visitors is made easy through our Content Templates. Recently, a DMO team found that visitors who engage with mobile fly-ins have 3x the Pages Per Session and stay on site over 350% longer than visitors who do not see Targeted content.
Visitors who engage with mobile fly-ins have 3x the Pages Per Session and stay on site over 350% longer than visitors who do not see Targeted content.
On the 7th day of personalization, we reprioritized our content:
Adjusting is an important part of any strategy and our platform makes it easy to change out the content associated with an experience. For some DMO’s, this season includes prioritizing holiday gift guides or hotel deals as soon as the temperature dips!
On the 8th day of personalization, we created unique content for our ad visitors:
Greeting ad visitors with personalized messaging to guide them through your site (and conversion opportunities) is the easiest way to optimize your ad spend and help drive your ad visitors to the content necessary to make a valuable travel decision.
On the 9th day of personalization, we A/B tested:
Our team loves a good A/B test – and the data and insights that they bring. A/B testing helps inform the best images or CTAs for future content pieces to help your team best understand visitor trends.

On the 10th day of personalization, we greeted our Meeting Planners:
Our DMOs have developed thoughtful strategies for visitors on their meeting planner pages helping drive visitors towards RFP submissions and Meeting Planner guide downloads.
On the 11th day of personalization, we measured our engagement:
Measuring our content performance is an essential piece of our strategy development, and our team makes it even easier with performance dashboards and personal recommendations on how to make the most of your audience’s engagement.
On the 12th day of personalization, we began planning for 2022!
Now comes the time to celebrate our personalization success and start planning for the next season. We’re honored to be a part of our client’s personalization strategies and can’t wait to see what content and goals they have in 2022.

Cheers to having an effortless and effective personalization strategy!
Ready to start the new year with increased conversions and improved website performance? Bound’s new Starter License offers an easy way to get started with all the tools you need to deliver targeted content to your website visitors.