Huh? Pantone’s 2021 Color of the Year is kinda like the dull gray sweats we’ve been wearing throughout 2020 work-from-home and quarantine.
OK, so they picked two colors. Alongside “Ultimate Gray 17-5104” there’s “Illuminating 13-0647” for counter balance. But, it’s a rather sickly yellow hand-picked by color and branding experts. Truthfully, does this inspire anyone?
For over 20 years, Pantone’s Color of the Year has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in multiple industries, including fashion, home furnishings, and industrial design, as well as product packaging and graphic design…Pantone’s color experts at Pantone Color Institute comb the world looking for new color influences. |

Pantone says, “A marriage of color conveying a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting.”
Meh. Comments welcome.
Visit Philadelphia has launched a marketing effort to support the economic recovery and growth of Black- and Brown-owned businesses.

“Black- and Brown-owned businesses are vital to the fabric of Philadelphia, and we want to make it easy for everyone to find them and shop at them during the holidays and into 2021 — whether that’s online or in person,” said Jeff Guaracino, president & CEO.
“People want to be part of our region’s economic recovery, and one way they can do that is by buying gifts from these vital businesses found in more than 35 neighborhoods and towns throughout our region.”
The initiative kicks off the holiday season with the Love + Grit Sweepstakes, gifting one winner with distinctive items and experiences from Black-owned businesses that will gain increased exposure.
Steal this idea for your community? Read about the highlights of the integrated campaign encompassing advertising, website, SEO, videos, influencer marketing, PR, and marketing toolkit. More details here.

Exposure alert! When Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam and his wife tested positive for Covid-19 in September, because they had an alert working on their phones, notifications went out to members of staff.
Did you know? About 150 million Americans can get free, state-sponsored pop-up alerts from local health authorities when they’ve personally spent time near someone who later tested positive for the coronavirus. The alerts use (anonymous) bluetooth software built into iPhones by Apple (screen shots below) and Android phones by detecting when devices are in close contact with each other.

The Washington Post reports as of Dec. 10, the following support coronavirus exposure alerts are active. For instructions, click on the link which takes you to a website or in settings (no app needed) from local health authorities:
- Alabama: GuideSafe
- California: CA Notify
- Colorado: CO Exposure Notifications
- Connecticut: Covid Alert CT
- Delaware: Covid Alert DE
- Guam: Guam Covid Alert App
- Maryland: MD Covid Alert
- Michigan: MI Covid Alert
- Minnesota: COVIDaware MN
- Nevada: Covid Trace
- New Jersey: Covid Alert NJ
- New York: Covid Alert NY
- North Carolina: SlowCovidNC
- North Dakota: Care19 Alert
- Pennsylvania: Covid Alert PA
- Virginia: Covidwise
- Washington: WA Notify
- Washington, D.C.: DC Can
- Wyoming: Care19 Alert
Canada is all set with Covid Alert. In the works:
- Arizona: CovidWatch at the University of Arizona
- Hawaii: AlohaSafe Alert
- Massachusetts
- Oregon: Oregon Exposure Notification at Oregon State University
Vaccination cards will be issued to everyone getting Covid-19 vaccine, health officials say. CNN reports, “The Department of Defense released the first images of a Covid-19 vaccination record card.” Read more here.