“Lawmakers backing a New Hampshire bill to criminalize women exposing their breasts in public say that failing to pass it could hurt the state’s tourism industry and lead to rampant nudity,” reports CBS.
In Concord, NH House Bill 1525 has been introduced by Rep. Brian Gallagher (R), Rep. Peter Spanos (R) and Rep. George Hurt (R), co-sponsors of legislation that would make it a misdemeanor for women to show their breasts or nipples in public with “reckless disregard” for whether it would offend someone.
Here’s one comment we liked:
“I have trouble believing those who are hardy enough for the Appalachian Trail and Mt. Washington are going to be scared off by nipples. The nipples are covered up during ski season and the fall foliage change. So the New Hampshire legislature is passing a law to avoid offending the half dozen of all tourists who might be that sensitive.
They ought to think about Las Vegas. They might get more tourists by mandating toplessness during the summer.”