P E O P L E Geraldine Bordelon has been named Vice President of Destination Sales & Experience at Visit Baton Rouge...plus, congrats on 26 years. Stefan Hawes has joined Destination Vancouver as Vice President Global … [Continue reading]
Weekly stories curated exclusively for digital tourism marketers
P E O P L E Geraldine Bordelon has been named Vice President of Destination Sales & Experience at Visit Baton Rouge...plus, congrats on 26 years. Stefan Hawes has joined Destination Vancouver as Vice President Global … [Continue reading]
'This is the moment.' Annual goal is 90 million international visitors for the next five years ORLANDO — A new National Travel and Tourism Strategy to reignite international inbound travel to the U.S. and rebuild our travel economy was … [Continue reading]
Hawaii makes a big change in tourism marketingThe Hawaii Tourism Authority has awarded the contract to market the state to U.S. visitors to the Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement, replacing the Hawaii Visitors & Convention … [Continue reading]
The "Most Influential Leaders in Travel" Award was handed out to Christine Duffy today at eTourism Summit for her outstanding and inspiring personal brand. Conceived and conducted by creative machine learning company CRANT, in partnership with … [Continue reading]
Over the weekend, 35 diverse speakers presented a universal message at Connect THRIVE Summit. That is—no matter where your destination, attraction, or service may be in its journey toward inclusivity, it's a 365 days/year and 24/7 commitment. … [Continue reading]