Watch 60 seconds of scenes from 2018 here.
Did you know?
- eTourism Summit was founded in 2000 because there was—and still is—a need for a forum of ideas dedicated to the intersection between digital and tourism marketing.
- eTourism Summit is held in San Francisco in October because it’s got the best weather of the year…nearly downright summery in The City by the Bay.
- It’s a sell-out. We keep numbers limited so everyone has plenty of opportunity for intimate one-on-one networking and casual conversations with their DMO peers, media agencies, creative partners, data and analytics companies, digital platforms, startups, attractions…
- Innovative case studies packed with data and ROI details are presented by DMOs. They’re super popular and we all learn from what works and what didn’t work.
- Brian Fanzo, social media expert and (funny) inspirational motivator is a keynote speaker this year.
- Our hashtag is #eTS19. You can follow on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn.
- The 2nd Annual eTSY Awards for excellence in DMO digital marketing have been announced. Read more and find out how to apply in next week’s issue of The Travel Vertical.
- Pre-conference workshops provide an opportunity for small group, interactive, hands-on learning-by-doing sessions.
- THRIVE Summit has its inaugural conference in San Francisco just prior to eTourism Summit (Oct. 3-5, 2019). Register by May 31 if you’d like to meet CNN’s Anderson Cooper in person. (Think: #travel #destinationmarketing #LGBTQ #sports #entertainment)
- The Travel Vertical keeps us connected all through the year. There’s a place to share your news and views and guest posts here…and it’s free to subscribe.
See you in sunny San Francisco on October 7-9. Register here.

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