To mark its tricentennial + 1, New Orleans tourism video content marketing gets a re-think with a local twist for the city’s 301st anniversary.

“Leave With a Story, Not Just a Souvenir,” is the new campaign that digs deep into the elegant grit of this city, looking to uncover legends that may be unknown even to locals.
The idea grew out of creative budgeting. Mark Romig, president and CEO of New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation, explained that he originally implemented this local-first approach to destination marketing in response to a small budget.” reports The Drum.
“Several years ago, we might have been a little bit too…trite with our model,” Romig explained. “You know, there’s that nice couple riding in the horse carriage down the French Quarter, as opposed to showing people in the real thing.”

Agency of record is 360i. Read more here and watch The North Side Skull & Bone Gang story here.
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