Breaking News: Pure Michigan budget vetoed once again by the governor in anticipation of state budget hit die to COVID-19.

We are all building the plane as it’s flying and two of the passengers are named ‘risk’ and ‘uncertainty.’ But the other passenger is called ‘recovery.’
Whether you’re adapting objectives, creating new messaging, providing different kinds of content or something else, this community wants to hear about your insights, realizations and fun ideas for engagement that hits the right notes. We will share your contributions for as long as you find them helpful, useful and hopeful.

After all, “innovation” and “sharing” is how digital destination marketing got born as eTourism Summit in 2000. This crazy moment is an opportunity for creativity and for building relationships.
Related: “Steal This Idea: DMO Tips in the Age of COVID-19“
A shout-out for all these innovative contributions. Do keep the terrific ideation coming so we can share more in Part III.

Color Your Springfield — Kids are home from school. “Springfield (Missouri) CVB Coloring Contest Aims to Alleviate Boredom” was picked up by the local news on Print a picture from this page, color it and share via email or on social media tagged @lovespringfield. Visit Springfield says participants can win passes to Dickerson Park Zoo.

Threshold 360 — Publishes a rolling open call to creators, “We’re looking for photographers all over the country to join our network and help us continue to showcase the best spots that each city has to offer.” And, they’ve curated a list of platforms where creatives can find freelance work.

@OnlyinSF (SF Travel Association) — “What does San Francisco look like through your window? Inspired by our friends all over the world like @parisjetaime and @discoverla, show us SF through your window. Since you’ll be staying home through the end of April, use #SFThroughMyWindow or #SFFromMyWindow and we’ll share some of our favorites.” (photo @335kai #AlwaysSF)

Discover Puerto Rico — How about a night in with tropical cocktails, a candlelit dinner and salsa dancing? Bring island culture into your living room and benefit from lessons by local experts. ¡Que buena idea!

@VisitABQ — Via the hashtag #TrueABQ, Visit Albuquerque is sharing Acts of Kindness like this one: “Historic Old Town shop owners start up ‘Cat Care Committee’ to ensure that the neighborhood’s feral cat community is fed during closures.” And another, “More #TrueABQ acts of kindness arise as @oniellspub donates healthy snack trays to local first responders and nurses. Thank you.”

Visit Loudoun — Calling for support of the Loudoun Tourism & Hospitality Relief Fund and explaining how it works via an FAQ landing page on their website.

Visit Beaufort — The DMO has created virtual meeting backgrounds of some of Beaufort, Port Royal & Sea Island’s favorite spots and instructions for how to use these during Zoom conference calls.

Experience Columbus — Building out a content hub for showcasing relevant information on partner resources and how the community can help local businesses.

Another excellent installment comes from Adam Johnson at Adara, “Around the Midwest – Travel Recap.” Adam continues to find initiatives from DMOs across the nation, not only in the Midwest. And, he introduces the roundup with a link to a timely Simon Sinek video, “Let’s Reinvent,” (“…because these are not unprecedented times…”) that has been recommended by Josh Collins at Streetsense.

Care to see more examples? CrowdRiff is sharing its roundup, “How DMOs are Reacting to COVID-19” outlining initiatives in North America and beyond.
Don’t miss the outstanding effort from Visit Indy, selling t-shirts with the proceeds going to hospitality workers and artists. Update: Over $7k later, they’re now sold out.