Things you’d like to know but didn’t even realize you did? QR codes are the connection between the physical world and the digital world…and you can make your own in minutes.
Visualead.com is a startup in public beta that’s spot on with a quick and easy guide to creating, even customizing—say, with a logo—your own colorful QR code. Check out their free visual QR code generator here…it won’t be free forever.
***Experts say: Just make sure your QR code prompts compelling content, a map, a translated website page or a video.
China Ready
Why is the 1994 technology still cool? For one thing, QR codes are ubiquitous in China and spreading to South Korea, China, Russia and to Europe via Alipay’s partnership with digital wallets to bring QR code payments to the continent.
Learn more: Tourism consultant Sally Davis Berry explains the tight connection between QR codes, tourism and the Chinese market. She also explains how Vutags uses QR codes to enhance exhibits with voice for museums and attractions. Read more here.
More Than the Store

QR codes are popular for shopping and packaging; Nike is a leader in experiential shopping experiences for its Nike Plus Member scheme.
However, the technology goes beyond shopping. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram have all come up with QR codes that allow users to follow accounts by scanning the code.
And QR codes help analyze engagement and conversion rates when placed on direct mail. Consumers who have scanned the QR code can also be retargeted online via Google and Facebook.
The Basics
Why not update the look? There’s no need for black & white only. A barcode is simply a machine-readable optical label, an interactive hyperlink that contains information about the item to which it is attached. Your customers can scan them for free with a smartphone and access your content in an instant. That means you can track and analyze performance. Read all about QR codes in the Visualead tutorial.
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