So Far in 2021: True Tales From Great Destinations
The Pacific Coast Highway fell into the Pacific. VisitLEX channeled The Queen’s Gambit in a hotel room, and the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter. BTW, does anybody understand why seeing his shadow doesn’t portend an early spring? For more from destinations we love, click here.
Save Time, Know Stuff: Assorted Research Roundup
Go beyond the Covid-19 infection and vaccination numbers, there’s a lot more to know about consumer sentiment, media consumption, Black traveler marketing, propensity to travel and more. Consume your up-to-date research roundup here.
We Won’t Say ‘Pivot,’ But How About ‘Curveball’?
Major League Baseball has had a busy few days figuring out the 2021 season. Last week, several curveballs were thrown in the latest inning of Covid-19 vs. Travel Industry. Read more here.
News From Super Bowl’s Visit Tampa Bay, Brand USA, Visit California & Tourism Diversity Matters
“Name something you associate with the Super Bowl” was a question on Family Feud and the #1 answer was “Football.” Of course, it was. Had they asked the eTourism Community, wouldn’t the #1 answer be “Data”? Read more here.
People and Jobs Plus a ‘See Tomorrow’ Invitation
From Amarillo to Louisville to Bermuda, who’s on the move? And who needs talent? We’ve got a weekly update and some new jobs to know about, plus a ‘Save The Date’ for the next eTourism Summit “See Tomorrow” Conversation Series. More here.