Edible Coffee Cups on Air New Zealand and Other Snackable News Bites
Eat your coffee on Air New Zealand and catch up on news bites from Portland, San Diego, Texas, Expedia, Google, United Airlines, Uber, Sojern, Streetsense and more here.
Two Digital Trends to Watch: Fast Advertising and Cheap Video
Christmas advertising brings out digital drama. Some resonate, some flop. Some cost too much and one homemade wonder from Wales shoots to the top on a shoestring budget of £100. See the story here.
‘See Tomorrow’ Q&A With CrowdRiff’s Amrita Gurney
Find out what Amrita thinks about the intersection of data, visuals and great creative content for DMOs. Our six questions and answers are found here.
America’s Most Expensive Zip Codes
Where’s 94027 and why is it in the news? For data geeks: California dominates the priciest zip codes in the U.S. Check it out here.
Strictly CVB: Job Openings
These current 34 listings are strictly for jobs at a convention & visitors bureau around the U.S. Do share new positions with us. See them here.