Two retrospective presentations caught our eye this week.
I. Skift has produced a data visualization of the world’s top 15 countries in international outbound travel over the past two decades. The explosive growth from China, especially after it takes over the top position in 2012, is explosive.
The speed behind the shifts is mesmerizing. You’ll want to hit the replay button again and again…

II. TravelAge West runs through the major moments in travel from the trade magazine’s birth in 1969 to 2019.
Can you name the year? “Travel Milestones From the Last 50 Years” highlights include:

- first Boeing 747
- first mobile phone
- first frequent flyer program
- airline deregulation
- re-imagining of Las Vegas, master planning of Cancun, marketing of Hawaii
- fall of the Berlin Wall
- 9/11 terrorist attack
- the app store
- birth of Instagram
Get the illustrated article here.