Whereas, the United States has 50 states, one federal district and 14 territories, and
Whereas, these entities make up a patchwork policy quilt model rather than a blanket one for Coronavirus response and recovery, and
Whereas, keeping up with the changing nature of these orders is very tricky, and
Whereas, the tourism industry really needs this information,
We share this tool created and maintained by the international law firm Baker McKenzie.

The introduction:
“We are pleased to provide this Tracker, which identifies the relevant state-wide shelter-in-place orders and their related expiration dates, as well as the applicable state-wide reopening plans, in each of the 50 United States plus Washington, DC.

While most states continue to encourage or even require telework or work-from-home where possible, many states continue to gradually reopen sectors of their economies as indicated in the ‘What’s Open?’ table, which we have added to each page to highlight the reopening status of four major sectors (office, manufacturing, retail and bars/restaurants).”
Fifty states + Washington, D.C. are provided with a link to local county orders where relevant. Here’s the document link.

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