This year’s DigMe Summit program is becoming a Three Ring Circus — and that’s what’s needed to provide the inside information AND the right experts that will help you advance in your career as a professional digital marketer.
In addition to the ongoing conference sessions on April 13-14, 2016, we’ve created concurrent customized opportunities:
- A full day Facebook/Instagram Certification Workshop to help you gain new social media marketing skills that cannot be found at any other conference or trade show—taught by Facebook and Instagram’s travel team.
- A Live Millennial UX Testing for Mobile or Desktop where you can sign up for a session with a group of Millennial consumers who will be asked to perform a series of tasks in real time.
- Testing of Email Subject Lines. Send our expert an email for feedback and advice by the email specialists at eBrains designed to help you maximize open rates and click-throughs.
- Genius Bars: A team of experts, all of whom will be paid by DigMe, will help you solve problems and issues you may have in your digital marketing.
New speakers confirmed for the two-day program are announced here:
Kelsey Meyer, Co-founder and President, Influence and Co. Recently recognized as one of the top six content marketing firms in the country, Kelsey was also honored by Forbes magazine as one of its 30 Under 30 entrepreneurs in Marketing and Advertising for 2016.
Neal Sinno, General Manager North American Operations, Playbuzz, has a new tool that allows tourism marketers to create fun quizzes, lists, countdowns to spice up content.
Suzanne Sanders: Director of Marketing, YouVisit, which recently won an award for best VR travel film or experience for “Mirror to the Soul.”