In case you weren’t glued to the TV screen to catch the Miss Universe pageant on the Sunday night before Christmas, no worries, as social media earned way more views than the live event.
When host Steve Harvey “accidentally” announced the wrong contestant to wear the crown, a bizarre ending to the outmoded beauty pageant lit up the Internet. Plenty of savvy observers are saying that the Miss Universe screw-up was planned, designed to break on Twitter, ramping up the pageant’s visibility. If so, wow.
Lessons We Learned From These 15 Epic Social Media Fails presents horrific mess-ups. We’re always learning how to improve, and remembering that there is no down time. Some of these moves were plain and simple stupidity, but social media fails come in all shapes and sizes.
Timing counts. Pre-written and post-dated posts, ads, blogs and tweets are easy to do, even pre-scheduling your re-tweets. But it does come with a risk. Do you know how to STOP ALL posts?