We’re all ears.
An interview with Jake Steinman, founder of the eTourism Summit about the upcoming Listening Tour on April 30 to June 7, 2018.
Q: What is a Listening Tour?
A: eTourism Summit is a tactics-based conference that’s designed like a magazine that comes to life with sessions covering a variety of topics of differing lengths. I’ve found that the best trends and ideas for content come from the attendees who live and breathe digital marketing for their destinations and attractions every day. So I began the Listening Tour by calling the most savvy people I knew in digital.
Q: When did you begin the listening tour?
A: The first year was 2013 and while most conference organizers solicit conference session topics from speakers, our approach was completely the opposite. When I began listening to attendees the content ideas just began to flow naturally. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that over a 6-8 week period so many forward thinking digital marketers were willing to share their thoughts and challenges with me. But by the end, after conversations with 30-40 people were finished, patterns begin to form with key themes and content needs bubbled to the surface.
Q: What are some of the ideas you’re working on this year that come from those you’ve spoken with so far?
A: This year I will be conducting the Listening Tour with former Visit Florida CEO Will Seccombe, who is President of Connect Travel, the new owners of eTourism Summit. From conversations with our Advisory Board members we have about 10 tactical session ideas and 13 potential attendee case studies that we will be inviting. We’ll release the content ideas each week through our social media channels.
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Q: When will you begin the listening tour?
A: It will go from April 30-June 7. Those interested in participating can contact me at jake@visitnaj.com.