An Instagram change to the order of posts that mirrors Facebook (introduced in 2009), and now Twitter (as of 2016), was announced on March 15. Instagram users will no longer see posts displayed chronologically, but instead will get a personalized feed for what machine-learning technology says they “care about first.”
The order of posts displayed will be determined by: 1) timeliness of each post; 2) a user’s past activity with the person posting; and 3) the likelihood that a user will be interested in the content. Beginning with Singapore, Finland, the Netherlands and New Zealand, Instagram said it will expand this to the global Instagram community in the coming months.
According to the New York Times, “the shift will not affect Instagram’s advertising products, which already use and rely on similar targeting principles to serve ads to users.” In advance of platform changes being rolled out to Instagram’s 400 million active users, read more here.