Wearing a T-shirt emblazoned with “Have you ever kissed in the rain?” Ali Daniels, Chief Marketing Officer at Visit Seattle, tells The Travel Vertical, “It was a really fun one to work on.”
The latest activation from Visit Seattle surprised locals on a hot and sunny day in Los Angeles (92ºF.) and Scottsdale (104ºF.) with a first-ever Kissing in the Rain booth. The fully sustainable, walk-in photo booth captured Seattle’s rainy-day joys as people kissed in the rain, danced in the rain, and rejoiced in the promise of a rainy Seattle day.
The booth was built to replicate a rainy Seattle day, with a design inspired by the Emerald City. The 17’ x 16 wood-paneled booth had rainfall that was captured and pumped back to make the booth fully sustainable.

“A kiss in the rain is the ultimate movie moment for a reason,” said Ali Daniels. “There’s romance and spontaneity in the rain – it’s something Seattleites know well. To be able to bring that misty magic to other cities in a way that’s both unique yet entirely true to Seattle – our romance, our beauty, our charm – was incredibly special.”
The Travel Vertical x Ali Daniels
Q: What was the inspiration for the rain booth?
A: We are always looking for ways to differentiate ourselves from other destinations, and we realized that something that we have an opportunity to change the narrative about our rainy reputation and show people how romantic, spontaneous and beautiful our rain really is. There is a reason they include kissing in the rain scenes in movies – and we wanted to capture that spirit with this activation.
Q: Who is your creative partner?
A: This was a multi-agency collaboration – Copacino Fujikado and C+C
Q: Does an activation like this have an approachable budget for DMOs?
A: It is certainly scalable. We wanted a booth that could be re-used and repurposed, and that was able to be used in multiple cities.
Q: Where else will the rain booth appear?
A: We are so thrilled that it was as well-received as it was, so we are working on what the next tour will be.
Q: Is this real rain?
A: It’s as refreshing as real rain.
Q: Is Seattle really as rainy as people think?
A: It really isn’t, and when it rains it typically isn’t a downpour, it’s a mist. That is what we tried to replicate in the booth. Our rain helps us keep our reputation of being the Emerald City, it’s keeps us green and sparkling.
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